Sinus infection remedies apart from antibiotics
Here are some of the remedies apart from antibiotics which can help you in getting rid of sinus infection. Let's take a look at them:
Stay indoors: You should stay indoors and maintain your cool. When the heat is on, the membranes can get dry and might create more problems for you increasing the chances of aggravating sinus infection. So, you should make sure that you stay indoors during this time and avoid any kind of heat. Moreover, staying indoors will help you get ample rest during this time and boost your energy and immunity levels.
Try to humidify your environment: In order to get relief from the sinus infections, you should try to humidify the environment of your room. The environment should not be too dry or too humid. Do not over humidify your home.
Inhale steam: You should definitely inhale steam when you are suffering from sinus infection. This will help you to moisten your sinuses. A hot steamy shower will also help you in relieving yourself from the symptoms of sinus.
Stay hydrated: Drink water, soups, chicken stews, etc. in order to keep yourself hydrated during sinus infections. Staying hydrated will help you keep your sinuses moist and reduce the irritation and headache. However, you should avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages as they can aggravate the symptoms.
Spice up your food: In order to get rid of sinus infection, you should include different types of spices in your food like mustard, hot pepper, horseradish, wasabi, etc. This will help you open up your nasal passages and will give you relief from sinus infections.
Apply warm compress: In order to deal with your sinus infection in a better way, you can take help of warm compress. This will help you moisten your nasal tissues thereby helping you get relief from sinus infection. You can also follow up your warm compress with a cold compress to get better results.
Clear your nasal passage: During sinus infection, you should keep your nasal passage open. So, flush your nasal passage in order to make sure that you can breathe properly. This will also help you keep your sinus infections at bay.
Following the above mentioned home remedies will help you to get rid of sinus infection as well as help you keep yourself away from the required irritation. Thus, without consuming the antibiotics you will be able to get rid of this problem. Moreover, you will be able to avoid the side effects which might affect your health after consuming antibiotics. Thus, you will be on the safer side.
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