Monday, 29 September 2014

Why Are Online Medical Stores Gaining Popularity In India

Medicines are part and parcel of human life from the time man has become civilised. Infact, when man was cave dweller, he used different types of leaves, bark of the trees, flowers and fruits to get rid of different diseases. With the advent of civilisation, there came doctors and medicines. In olden days, doctors used to make the medicines on their own and give them to the patients. As time went by, the concept of medicine shops or pharmacies...

Friday, 26 September 2014

How Can Yoga Help Us To Get Beautiful Body

Healthy and beautiful body is everyone's desire. We try to do every possible things to have a beautiful body which include glowing skin, proper weight and height and well-shaped and toned body. Whenever we get to know about any new tip which tells us how to lose weight or how to have beautiful skin, we follow them. However, this often have negative effect and makes the situation difficult to handle. We are ready to try artificial products to...

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Skin Care Routine – How to start off with it

Feeling jealous as you look at the amazing skin your friend has? Well, you should know that it takes a lot of effort to get a radiant skin and your friend might have been following an effective skin care regime for a long period of time! If you wish to get a bright and glowing skin, then you should also start following an effective skin care routine. Worried about how to start an effective skin care regime? Well, read on to know more. Skin...

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Practice Yoga To Get A Flexible Body

If you wish to lead a healthy life, you will have to put in the needed effort. This does not mean that you will have to spend hours in the gym sidelining your daily activities. Maintaining yourself and enjoying a healthy life is easy if you are ready to put in some effort. You can simply invest some time in practicing Yoga and you will definitely love the results. There are different types of Yoga poses specially effective for reducing fat in specific...

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Eat Smart To Maintain A Healthy Body

We all must agree to the famous saying, - “Health is wealth!”. It is quite true that in order to maintain a healthy body, it is necessary to consume healthy food. However, in today's world, just consuming healthy food is not enough. You will have to eat smart in order stay well. Thus, you should know what food items you should eat. Moreover, there are specific foods which can be helpful for specific body parts. You should know them in order to...

Monday, 22 September 2014

How Cold And Flu Medicines Help To Give Relief

Cold and flu may be the most common diseases all over the world. Every person gets affected by these at some point or the other during the whole life time. Breathing problem, sneezing, coughing, blocked nose, etc. are some of the common symptoms of cold. Rise of body temperature in addition to these can cause flu. Generally, cold and flu are not taken much seriously as these are very common and can be cured very easily. In most of the cases, a...

Friday, 19 September 2014

How Men Can Enhance Their Beauty Using Ayurveda

India is famous for the use of ayurveda from time immemorial. Infact, the use of ayurveda in India has become so famous all over the world that the western countries are also adopting this therapy to have fit and healthy life style. Ayurveda gives emphasis on the use of herbal products and yoga for the benefit of health. Uses of fruits, vegetables, flowers are common in ayurveda. It is always best to use natural skin care products rather than those...

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Take Care Of Your Aged Skin With Ayurvedic Remedies

Your skin can turn aged either with time or it can age prematurely. Well, premature ageing of skin is a common problem for many of us. Normally, people turn to costly cosmetic products in order to stop or reduce premature ageing of the skin. However, these costly skin care products might not have much impact on the ageing of your skin. Rather, it will be better if you could opt for ayurvedic products or remedies in order to take care of your...

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Time Saving Workout That Can Be As Beneficial As Long Run Sessions

We all know that physical exercise is one of the secrets to healthy and fit body. However, our busy schedules actually leave us with no extra time for physical exercise. So we need to compensate this with workout that are not time consuming, but, are highly beneficial if practiced regularly. These workout options actually help us to burn the calories easily, thus making us fit and healthy. As these workouts do not require much time, we can practice...

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Skincare – How To Establish An Effective Routine

Everyone will love to have an amazing skin, especially if you are a woman. But in order to get an amazing skin, you will have to follow an effective skincare routine. There are various products available in the market which claim to help you in getting an amazing skin. But, before you buy any of these products, you should set a simple but effective skincare routine. Different routines are available for oily, spot prone skin as well as dry or combination...

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Buying Generic Medicines Can Save Money

Medicine is a part and parcel of anyone's life. However fit one may be, he has to take medicines at some time or the other in his lifespan. A person can never be free from illness and disease throughout his life. Human body is just like a machine. Like all other machines, it also faces breakdown at times which are repaired by the use of medicines. Truth about medicines in India In India, people generally prefer to buy branded medicines as they...

Monday, 8 September 2014

Pimple And Its Home Made Remedies

Pimple is a serious problem mostly among youngsters. Although, pimple may not cause any major health issue, still it be a cause of uneasiness for any individual. If a youngster faces problem of pimple regularly, he or she can be a topic of discussion and joke among his or her friends. So youngsters are scared of pimple and they often prick it using their nails with the desire of getting rid of the problem quickly. However, this not only enhances...

Friday, 5 September 2014

Acidity – The best home remedies that you can go for

One of the common health problems that most of us face on a regular basis is acidity. It actually refers to a set of symptoms which are caused due to an imbalance between acid secretion mechanism of stomach and proximal intestine and the preventive mechanisms which ensures their safety. At times, acidity can be so severe, then you might have to consult a doctor and take medicines. These medicines are easily available at the local medicine shops...