Previously, only women were interested about beauty regime. However, now-a-days men have also become health and beauty conscious. In this respect they are taking up ayurvedic products for a better and ever lasting effect. Ayurveda not only makes the outer surface of the skin beautiful, but also helps to make the body healthy from inside. If a person uses the skin care products made of natural ingredients, he or she can actually feel the change in the skin condition. Many ayurvedic grooming products for men are available in the markets which are hot favourite among all.
Tips for fair and clean skin for men
It is a myth that men cannot get fair and clean skin. Infact, using ayurvedic products can help them get fair and clean skin. Use of ayurveda should not be only limited to skin care products, but must be taken as food as well to have a healthy body. A healthy body is a boon of nature and a gift of God. So proper care of the health is required to enjoy life to the fullest. Some tips are given below which can be used for getting a healthy body and skin as well.
Papaya can make the skin glowing
Eating papaya is good for the liver. If the liver is healthy, the skin also looks glowing. Papaya can be mashed and used as a face pack. This helps to remove the dead cells of the skin and gives a glow to the skin.
Tomato reduces sun tan
Cut a slice of tomato and rub on the face and neck daily. This will help to reduce the tan and darkness caused due to the exposure to the sunlight. Tomato also makes the skin look fair as this also helps to remove the dirt from the skin.
Use of natural scrub is always better
A natural scrub can be made using nuts like cashew, almond and pistachio along with rosewater, wheat germ oil, chickpea flour, red lentil and the cream of the boiled milk. Using all these ingredients a paste can be made and used as a scrub. Apply this paste on the face and let it dry for about twenty minutes. Wash off the dried paste from the skin using water. This will make the skin glowing and fresh.
Use milk as a cleanser
Dip a cotton ball in milk and rub it on the face and neck. Milk acts as a magnet and pulls out all the dirt and dust from the skin, thus making it free from pimple and rashes. This may be the reason that in olden days babies were bathed with milk just after birth so that they can get glowing skin.
Yoga helps to have a healthy body
In the ancient times people used to engage themselves in physical exercises as there was less use of technology at that time. However, with the advent of technology, physical exercise has reduced. So, yoga can be a healthy option to have a healthy body. Yoga not only makes the person look beautiful but makes him fit and healthy from inside. A healthy body means an automatic healthy glow on the skin.
Use herbal products for shaving
While shaving, using herbal products is a safer option. Infact, chemical products can make the skin rough. First wipe the cheeks with a towel soaked in warm water, and then apply vegetable oil on the cheeks. A natural soap made of ayurvedic products can also be used to make the lather. At last, shave off the whiskers using a new razor. It is advisable not to use old razor for shaving.
Now-a-days, it cannot be said that beauty and skin care products are used only by women. Infact men are equally conscious about making themselves presentable to all. They follow different regimes for this purpose. Uses of herbal and ayurvedic products are preferred by all to get a fair a clear skin without causing any damage. In addition to this, be satisfied with the life and be happy. This is the most important factor which helps to have a beautiful skin condition.
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