One of the common health problems that most of us face on a regular basis is acidity. It actually refers to a set of symptoms which are caused due to an imbalance between acid secretion mechanism of stomach and proximal intestine and the preventive mechanisms which ensures their safety. At times, acidity can be so severe, then you might have to consult a doctor and take medicines. These medicines are easily available at the local medicine shops as well as at the digital pharmacies. Thus, you can order medicines online and get them delivered at your doorstep.

Rather than taking pills to solve the problem of acidity, it will be better if you could take help of some home remedies to get rid of it. Here are some of the best home remedies for acidity listed for you:
Resolve acidity with coconut water: Well, coconut water is a natural isotonic beverage which has the same electrolytic balance like our blood. Apart from this, coconut water is also known to have various nutrients like sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron, copper, sulphur and chlorides, Vitamins of B group, ascorbic acid and small amounts of protein. Drinking a cup of coconut water every day in the morning can relieve you from the problem of acidity. You can even consider drinking it 3-4 times a day.
Get rid of acidity with lemon juice: You will be surprised to know that lemon juice is a natural antacid. It contains citric acid which helps to change your internal acidic environment to alkaline. Thus, it will be easier for you to get rid of acidity. Lemon juice is acidic and has a pH balance below 7. But when it goes inside the body, it gets metabolized and becomes an alkaline. Cut a lemon into two halves. Juice one half of the lemon and mix it in a glass of warm water and have it in the morning on empty stomach. Regular intake of this mixture will lower the chances of acidity.
Cure acidity with cumin seeds: The cumin seeds will help in stimulating the production of pancreatic enzymes. This in turn helps in digestion and keeps acidity away. Apart from this, it also helps to reduce nausea and vomiting. So, try including cumin seeds in your regular diet. You can add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water and boil it. Once it cools down, you can drink it. To get rid of acidity immediately, chew a pinch of raw cumin seeds. You will definitely love the result.
Say bye to acidity with watermelon: Watermelon has a pH of 9. The higher the pH, the lower chances of acidity in foods. Thus, watermelon can be considered as very alkaline. So, if you have watermelon, you can lower the chances of acidity. Apart from watermelon, some other fruits with low acid content include grapefruit, lettuce, broccoli and celery. You can mix watermelon juice and coconut water in order to get relief from acidity.
You can follow any of these above mentioned home remedies and solve the problem of acidity. Hopefully you will get relief from this health issue easily.
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