Cold and flu can be symptoms of some major diseases like jaundice, typhoid, pox, and insect borne diseases like malaria, dengue and many more. So, it is better not to take these diseases lightly and consult a doctor if these linger for a quite a few days.
Remedies of cold and flu
We can get rid of cold and flu by becoming a little conscious about the diseases. By following few steps we can get relief from the problems caused by the diseases. These are discussed below for the benefit of all.
Nasal Spray
When we suffer from cold and flu, our noses get blocked. This causes difficulty to breathe. Infact, it is all the more difficult if we try to sleep or lay down some where. So, it is often prescribed by the doctors to use nasal spray to avoid this situation. Nasal sprays open the blockage of the nose and give comfort the patient.
Water vapour
Exposing the face to the vapour of boiling water helps in giving relief during cold and flu. Water vapour helps to reduce headache which is mainly caused due to cough accumulation in the forehead. It also kills the viruses that are responsible for the disease.
Balm can also be used to get relief from cold and flu. Rubbing a little bit of balm on the chest and forehead reduces prolonged coughing and headache respectively. If the sleep is getting hampered due to coughing, rub a bit of balm on the throat and wrap a cotton cloth around. This gives relief to the problem, just like magic.
Natural remedies
Use of natural ingredients is always the best to get rid of any disease. Cold and flu an also be cured by the use of natural ingredients such as tulsi, ginger, cinnamon, pepper, basak (scientific name justicia adhatoda), etc. In India, kada is often used to give relief to the cold and flu naturally. This herbal drink is prepared by boiling ginger, pepper, cinnamon, fennel seed, cumin seed, sugar, etc. together with water. This gives huge relief to the problems of cold and flu.
It goes without saying that, medicines give relief to the diseases as well. Different medicines are available in the market and through online pharmacies in India which can be used to prevent cold and flu.
Although cold and flu appears to be very simple diseases, they should not be neglected as this may lead to bigger problems in the future. Infact, doctor should be consulted and if needed necessary tests should also be done to avoid any complications. The medicines that are prescribed by the doctor can easily be available in the medical shops and through various online pharmacies in India. So, all these steps which are discussed above can be followed to get relief from cold and flu.
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