2. Bael leaves: They are significantly effective when it comes to lower blood sugar level. Ground the Bael leaves and take the powder with water every day for a week to see the result.
3. Mango leaves: Leaves (shaded but not plucked) when finely ground, take 2 gram of the powder every morning for two weeks which helps to control diabetes.
4. Cinnamon: If you are not suffering from liver diseases then cinnamon can be very effective to control diabetes. Too much of cinnamon can trouble the already affected liver.
5. Bittermelon (Karela): The fruit helps to reduce the blood sugar level significantly. Bitter melon contains a lectin that helps to reduce glucose and suppressing your appetite, the same what insulin does to the brain. Bitter melon is rich in Vitamin A, B1, B2, C and Iron.
6. Aloe Vera: Consumption of Aloe Vera juice can improve blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is useful treating diabetes. It helps to decrease the blood lipids in patients who are suffering from an abnormally high level of molecules or acute hepatitis.
7. Cucumber and radish leaves: These leaves are low in carbohydrate which helps to lower the sugar level in your blood.
8. Onion: The hypoglycemic substance in onion helps to control diabetes.
9. Jambu fruit: The seed in the fruit contains jamboline, which controls the conversion of starch to sugar. It reduces the unquenchable thirst and controls the sugar in urine.
10.Amla: Amla stimulates pancreas which secrete natural insuline.
11. Ginger: Rich in gingerols, it can increase uptake of glucose into muscle cells without the use of insulin. Thus, it helps to control high blood sugar levels.
12. Turmeric: Turmeric is proved to be very beneficial when consumed with a equal amount of amla powder.
13. Beans: Beans are high in carbohydrate and fiber. It stimulates the production of insulin. It's useful to consume beans in a regular manner to control diabetes.
14. Curry leaves: This is an excellent and homely way to control diabetes if you can consume at least 10 full grown leaves in a daily basis for 3 months.
15. Isabgole: Isabgole inhibits the excessive absorption of sugar from intestines.
16. Gymnema or Gurmar: Gurmar leaves are believed to be capable of destroying sugar. Symnemic acids, found in Gymnema reduce the amount of sugar absorbed by intestine during digestion. If you chew on a few leaves of Gymnema, it can reduce your sense of sweetness and this may lead to suppressing appetite.
17. Guduchi or Amrit: Guduchi is a drug that helps the body to cope with stress and illness. The stem extracts help yo breakdown the glucose present in your blood. It helps to delay the process of digestion of carbohydrates. Glucose is absorbed much slowly, which helps to prevent hyperglycemia in diabetes.
18. Pterocarpus or Vijaysar: Pterocarpus extracts may help the intestines to absorb less glucose, which helps to control Type 2 diabetes.
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