This small creature, mosquito, has managed to create threat to the entire race. The diseases it carries with it are even more frightening. No one fancies getting bit by mosquitoes. Just imagine the buzzing of mosquitoes when you are out enjoying with your family and kids. Healthbuddy brings for you products successfully helping people in avoiding mosquitoes and spread general awareness. Now it's time to enjoy with your family and friends without letting the blood-suckers spoil your fun. The mosquito repellent bracelet that Healthbuddy brings for you is safe for the whole family including adults and children as it is biocide free and made of 100% natural essential oil. All you need to do is slam one Healthbuddy Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelet on your wrist and keep the 'little monsters' away!
Even in today's date, Malaria and other such diseases transmitted by mosquitoes continue to be a major killer in many parts of the World. People who travel to areas where such diseases are endemic should take adequate protection. The use of effective repellents is an important arm of prevention. Mosquito repellent bracelets are said to be one of the ideal products for outdoor protection to keep these insects away. The smell of essential oil emitting from the bracelet deters the mosquitoes from approaching. The pellet ingredients being herbal , this bracelet is completely skin safe. Healthbuddy Mosquito Repellent Bracelet is DEET free. It is a product made of 100% natural essential oil which works as effective repelling ingredients for mosquitoes and at the same time works safe to humans and the environment. The smell is pleasant to wear , but not so pleasant for the mosquitoes and other pests. These bracelets can be used for indoors as well as outdoor activities like boating, camping, golfing, jogging, fishing, hunting, gardening, etc. Healthbuddy Mosquito Bracelet being waterproof, it stays effective even after sweating or other contact with moisture. The band of the bracelet is adjustable making the usage convenient for any wrist size. A few of many notable and advantageous features of Healthbuddy Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelet are – it is completely safe which is made of 100% natural essential oil and is devoid of biocide, non-toxic, adjustable band, water resistant, indoor and outdoor usage, can be worn both by children and adults, it is playground safe.
For most people mosquito repellent bracelet works successfully. However, for some people, it doesn't work due to certain biological features and other overpowering smells such as perfume. This bracelet made of natural essential oil are eco-friendly, biodegradable and safe to use. Smell of the natural oil from the bracelet form a protective shield keeping the insects away. These can be reused by inserting new pellets every time. The bracelets can be shelved for minimum two to three years. They come in an innovative and reusable “coloured double blister package” which can be used to store the wristband between uses. In one pack, along with the bracelet, there will be two pellets provided.
Healthbuddy's primary concern is upgrading health care for people at large. Remember, Healthbuddy Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelet do not contain DEET, biocide or any other controversial chemicals as they can result in hazards involved with their use. These bracelets made of essential oils are environment friendly, non-toxic and safe to use. So, now, when you are fearing of getting bit, get Healthbuddy Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelet and enjoy a 'mosquito-free' living.
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