Tuesday 25 August 2015

Stroke More Probable With Long Working Hours

A toll on long working hours has recently been revealed in a major study published in the Lancet medical journal that people who are working long hours extending normal 8 hours are more prone to stroke.
There is a regular office going rush in everyone’s life after waking up in morning. Then the whole day passes by with work pressure. There is actually no way if the office leaving time already exceeds due to heavy pressure at work. Which results in the reduction in pace of life unconsciously. Though it sounds unreal but the same has been released in a journal stating that 55 hours or more work per week can put a full stop to anyone’s life.

As per the Lancet Journal people doing more than 55 hours of work can be at risk of increased cardiovascular diseases which results in many heart related disease at young age only. This largest experiment has been run for long 7 years on more than 5 lakhs 28 thousand men and women. 

Now it’s clear that people working more than 48 hours increases the risk by 10 % and the risk increases by 20 % for the people who work for more than 55 hours per week.

Experts suggests that people working for long hours should keep a regular check on their blood pressure. Dr. Mika Kivimaki, from University College London suggests that people need to be more conscious to maintain a healthy lifestyle instead of long working hours or long sitting. It leads to stress also which can make people tired and find less time for regular exercise.

All the experts and doctors shares a common view that not only work pressure but along with it alcohol consuming, smoking, stress altogether rings the alarm of heart stroke.

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