Monday 24 August 2015

Light Drinking Also Can Cause Risk Of Cancer

Risk Of Cancer
The less alcohol you drink, the lower the risk of cancer. Alcohol itself leads to destruction and deadly diseases. There is not a single type of alcohol which is better or worse. But everything is similar. Not everyone who has a drinking habit will grow cancer but researchers say that a moderate or even light drinking can lead to cancer - up to one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.

The research in the British Medical Journal looked at two large US studies involving more than 100,000 adults. The experts are saying that intake of alcohol should be cut down and there must be some alcohol free days. There is no particular limit of the growing risk of cancer, but if a person is drinking within a limit then the risk will decrease. As a whole, the people who are more habituated to alcohol develop more risk towards certain cancers.

Each and every type of alcohol is linked with many type of cancers like mouth, throat, bowel, liver and last but not the least is breast cancer. As per a new research it is revealed that smoking and drinking together may increase the risk of cancer more dangerously. It is also proved that cutting down the intake of alcohol may reduce the increased rate of cancer.

NHS (National Health Service) suggests that in general 3 to 4 units per day is allowed for men and 2 to 3 units are allowed for women. As per American studies light to moderate drinking is referred to 30 gm of alcohol for men and 15 gm for women.

Cancer research UK, says that they want their patients to live longer as well as to reduce the regular bad habits of smoking or drinking for a healthier life.

Dr Jurgen Rehm, of Centre of Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto revealed that people who have cancer in heredity should be more cautious regarding the intake as well as need to drink in certain limitation.


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