Wednesday 18 February 2015

Healthy Food Choices

Healthy Food Choices
The instinct called 'hunger' can drive anyone crazy. Delicious food is the ultimate temptation. But, if you are on a diet or watching your weight, do not give into the temptation. In this blog, I'll help you with some healthy and tasty alternatives to what you have been eating. These food are nutritious as well as light on your waistline. You need to incorporate these healthy foods into your life and shun the high calorie treats.

Dairy products – Dairy products are loved by all. But, milk, yougurt and ice-cream have non-fat versions too. Choose skimmed milk or toned milk over full fat milk, Greek or non-fat yogurt over the full fat version and indulge in fat free ice-cream or sorbets.

Caffeine -  When you are having a cup of hot coffee, exclude the whipped cream, caramel and mocha sauces. Choose an iced latte over a very sugary frappe on a hot day.

Energy bar – When at work, keep an energy bar in your bag instead of calorie laden muffins.

Baked instead of fried –
We all love potatoes. But, it is not potatoes that are is how we cook them. Have baked potatoes instead of French fries and opt to boil potatoes and add it to your food. When making mashed potatoes, skip the cream and butter.

Fresh fruits -  As a pancake topping, skip the traditional maple syrup and butter. Top it with fresh strawberries, chopped nuts, and whipped yogurt. For a healthy twist on your favourite cereal, top with chopped fruit and dash of honey.

Sweetened cookies – While buying snacks, choose ragi, digestive and oat biscuits instead of cream biscuits and calorie laden cookies.

Plain nuts – When it comes to nuts, remember they are good for your heart but nevertheless contain significant amount of calories, so eat in small quantities. Avoid roasted and salted nuts. Stick to the plain variety.

Lime water – Next time you order a fresh lime soda, have lime water with ice instead. Skipping the soda will save you from those extra calories.

Ultralight beer – When it comes to alcohol, choose quality or quantity. A well-flavoured pint of craft beer is smarter than two pints of ultralight beer. Choose red wine over white wine, vodka and rum. It's good for your heart too.

Peanut butter – Peanut butter is healthier than butter, try making it at home to cut the calories even further.

Dark chocolate – Dark chocolate has fewer calories than milk chocolate and the oxidants it has are great for your skin too.  Switch over to the dark variety slowly but surely.

Multigrain or Wholewheat – Try multigrain or wholewheat bread instead of regular white bread. The former is a healthier alternative. Have homemade chappatis or flatbread instead of that bought in a store or restaurant. The darker they are, the better, as if they are too light, it indicates that refined flour or maida has been used. Avoid maida as much as possible as maida is nutritionally nil. Use couscous and quinoa in some dishes. When it comes to rice, switch to red rice or brown rice instead of the regular white rice.

Lean meats – When it comes to meat, choose leaner cuts of meat. When having chicken, remember that the leg piece has the most amount of fat. Also processed meat like sausages and salami is higher in calories than regular meat. Opt for roasted chicken over fried chicken.

So, this time while planning your diet, follow these food habits. They are delicious, nutritious and beneficial for your health.


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