Friday 20 February 2015

Health Facts – 6 Facts That We Bet You Didn't Know!

health facts
Human body is a mystery in itself. There are some weird and wonderful things that our bodies are capable of doing of. These are small facts which we might notice everyday but we do not realize the importance of these facts. If you learn about these facts, you will definitely get surprised.

So, here are certain health facts that our body is capable of doing of however you might not know them. Let's take a look at them:

1. Sweat glands: You will be surprised to note that there are around two to four million sweat glands which helps to keep our body temperature regulated. Another interesting fact is that women tend to have more sweat glands than men but the sweat glands in men are more active. In a recent study, it has been said that we can get DNA out of a fingerprint because "there were cells shed that stuck to the surface of the fingerprint with sweat."

2. Know your hair: You lose 80 hairs per day. Towards the end of summer, you might lose more hair. However, it should be noted that whether you wash hair daily or once a week, the total hair loss over the week will be the same. In case you face excessive hair loss, then it can be due to hormonal imbalance. If women have polycystic ovarian syndrome, then they can start losing more hair. Apart from this, iron deficiency can also lead to hair fall.

3. Good bacteria on skin:
There are around 1000 different types of good bacteria living on the skin. It should also be noted that they help with skin cell turnover and immunity. Apart from this, we leave remnants of them wherever we go.

4. Facts after death: If you are wondering what happens to the body after death, then read on. The body breakdown speeds up once we die. It should always be noted that most of the tissue breakdown is done by the bacteria from our gut. It should also be noted that in hot, humid conditions, any dead human body will start to deteriorate within hours.

5. Your skin: It should be noted here that our skin acts like a conveyer belt. It constantly produces new skin cells at the base layers and pushes up the old, dead cells away. You should also note that apart from our eyes, almost every other part of the surface of the body is dead. We also lose a lot of our skin in clothes, especially the old, dead cells.

6. Waste material: It is an interesting fact that the traces of faecal matters are not only just confined to the toilet pan. Such matters can also be found on hotel TV remotes, aircraft basins and toothbrushes. However, these are microscopic remnants. It should also be noted that Urine is sterile while it is in the bladder. However, it picks up a few germs when on its way out.

Hopefully, now you have a knowledge about some of the unique yet surprising health facts. Search through the Internet and you will know more about these wonderful 6 facts a lot more. With time, the researchers and scientists will be able to provide you with information about more such unique facts. Keep on updating yourself about these facts and know more about human body!


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