Tuesday 10 February 2015

Retrain Your Breathing And Reduce Asthma Attacks And Panic Attacks

breathing affects attacks
Asthma attacks and panic attacks are quite common in many people nowadays! Asthma attacks not only result due to respiratory problems but also due to increase in pollution levels. Apart from this, the stressful life that we lead these days results in panic attacks. In both these cases, you are forced to breathe fast or hyperventilate which might make things worse for you. But proper breathing affects attacks. If you know the right technique of breathing, then you will be able to stop these attacks. The slow and shallow breathing will help you avoid the attacks from coming on. However, you will have to learn to do it straight from a professional in order to be on the safer side.

How regular breathing affects attacks

People who are prone to asthma attacks and panic attacks have a different pattern of breathing. This helps to keep the carbon dioxide levels in the body quite low. For normal people, you do not need to maintain the carbon dioxide level in the blood to a certain range. Your body normally does it. But not many people know that asthma and panic attack patients breathe at a different pace which makes them prone to attacks. If you do not follow the right breathing technique, many a times, it can lead to the smothering feeling, heart palpitations, tingling, dizziness, and other symptoms of a panic attack and make life difficult for you!

Better breathing technique during an attack

Well, you will be surprised to note that slow, deep breathing might not be a good option when you are suffering from panic attack or asthma attack. With deep breaths, you might lose more carbon dioxide. In case of asthma, a deep breath can lead to stretching the lining of the airways and trigger a constriction so that less oxygen containing air gets through. Thus, it will be better if you could indulge yourself in slow and shallow breathing.

Prevent attacks with better breathing

You should always remember that for asthma, no amount of breathing exercise can help if you do not take the prescribed medicines or supplemental oxygen. However, proper breathing techniques will help reduce the frequency of these attacks. By practicing the slow and shallow breathing technique regularly, asthmatic patients and panic attack patients will become more normal and will also manage the carbon dioxide levels in your body. The main key here is to learn the technique correctly. If you breathe too shallowly, then you might not get optimal oxygen levels.

Learning breathing techniques

It is always better to take help of a respiratory therapist to ensure that you learn the breathing techniques. You can even take help of a capnometer (respiration monitor) in order to get a feedback whether you are breathing in the correct way or not. Apart from this, the respiratory therapist will also guide you regarding the correct posture and abdominal breathing while learning breathing techniques. Practicing the breathing techniques for 15 minutes for 4 days a week will help you become a master of it.

Those who do not suffer from panic attacks or asthma attacks, can indulge in deep breathing rather than shallow breathing. Even for those who suffer from asthma and panic attacks, the main aim should be not to breath shallow but to breathe more efficiently.


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