Turmeric: We can find this name in Sanskrit where it is famously mentioned as Haridra. It is probably the most popular herb that is maintain its popularity till date. It works like wonder in curing various ailments, injuries and skin problems. According to Ayurveda, it destroys three doshas like Kapha, Pitta and Vata. It helps us to live a healthy lifestyle.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is known as one of the most important herbs that works like wonder in various types of healing processes. We all know that it creates magic on our skin but very few of us know that it keeps acidity, indigestion, joint pains, piles, hunger pangs and other health issues at bay.
Neem: Neem is the considered as the power house of all healing qualities. It is a natural cleanser which drains out toxins from our body. We extensively use various ayurvedic and herbal products that consists Neem in our daily life to cure various problems like stomach problems or eruptions, pimples and other skin problems.
Holy Basil: Holy Basil is famously known as Tulsi and it is considered as one of the holiest as well as the mostly used ayurvedic herbs in India. It is a boon for the various respiratory issues, fevers, cough and cold.
Garlic: Garlic is one of those ayurvedic herbs which is used all over the world. Not only in ayurvedic and herbal products but it is used in our daily cooking. It is extremely beneficial for shedding calories, controlling cholesterol, renewing dead body tissues, maintaining good eyesight, reuniting the broken bones.
Amla: We all know that Amla is good for hair thanks to the TV commercials that promote hair care products. But apart from hair care, it also cures the burning sensation in the eyes and the diseases that occurs due to excessive body heat. It has a cooling effect that helps to keep the body temperature under control.
Brahmi: In India Brahmi has an important role to play in the lives of the students as it increases the brain power that helps to memorize their syllabus. Brahmi comes in various forms such as tonics, capsules and others.
Ashwagandha: Aswagandha is considered as the power house of the herbs as it comes with multiple health assistance such as relief from stress, join pains, offering peaceful sleep and complete rejuvenation.
Sandalwood: Sandalwood is famous for its fragrance and is used in various beauty and skin care products. It is one of the commonly used herb among the people suffering from various skin issues like pimple, pigmentations etc.
Saffron: it is one of the most expensive herbs available in the world which is being used as the skin whitening elements since the ancient era.
All these herbs are available in various forms. Sometimes we use them directly but mostly we consume them in the form of various Ayurvedic and herbal products. Before using we should check what kind of herbs we really need or whether they are at all present in the products.
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