Friday 31 October 2014

Do Cigarette Filters Really Filter Anything Out Of The Smoke?

stoptar filter
Smoking is always considered injurious to health. Don't ever think that you can escape the harms of smoking by taking the aid of cigarette filters. Though cigarette filters filter out the particular components of smoke such as tar which results in a mild decrease in the amount of carcinogens, but they should not be considered in anyway safe or better than unfiltered cigarettes. Same as, unfiltered cigarettes, cigarette filters also run the risk of developing lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, emphysema. There is also added risk of inhaling partials from the filter into the smoker's lungs and causing scaring and increasing the chances of emphysema. Also studies have shown that smokers tend to draw longer and harder on filtered cigarettes. This causes additional exposure to the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. The best way to reduce the risk of developing such diseases is to quit smoking. Filtered cigarettes hardly make any difference to the harms caused to a person's lungs and body.

Just as everything has its advantages and disadvantages, there are not all negative about cigarette filters.  The good thing that cigarette filters do is, keeping bits of tobacco out of your mouth. Filters cool the smoke, keeps your fingers from getting stained. Whereas traditional cigarettes have 4000 additives that can damage our body, smokeless cigarettes do not ruin your health with these deadly chemicals, as severe chemical and carbon monoxide do not exist with e cigarettes. If you cannot do without smoking, then consider using smoking filter. You can prevent the added output due to acquiring smoking filter. These filters are available in four types, and they may last for a month or as long as you can easily use it. The first step to begin utilizing these filters is to trim the nicotine gotten from cigarette by 25 percent; this indicates that you will only receive 75 percent of nicotine. You can utilize each filter for about two weeks before you need to switch to a new one.

If you are thinking of trying filtered cigarettes instead of unfiltered ones, try STOPTAR Smoking Filter. It is made of Grade -A plastic sans any chemicals. It separates and selectively absorbs heavy tars, carcinogenic poly-nuclear compounds and many such toxic and hazardous chemicals from the smoke with mechanical refining insert i.e. by centrifugal force. It is an affordable smoke-safety product that filters out the tar and nicotine making each smoke inhaled by you a safer option. It also offers economy of use, as each filter can be used for as many as 10-15 times before disposal.

Sadly, there has been no study about what is the healthiest way to smoke because the non-smoking lobby is just not interested in providing any options for a better way to smoke and the tobacco companies are not going to research that counteracts their marketing of low tar. So, the best way left, is to give up your smoking habits and stride towards a healthy lifestyle.


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