Friday 26 September 2014

How Can Yoga Help Us To Get Beautiful Body

yoga asana
Healthy and beautiful body is everyone's desire. We try to do every possible things to have a beautiful body which include glowing skin, proper weight and height and well-shaped and toned body. Whenever we get to know about any new tip which tells us how to lose weight or how to have beautiful skin, we follow them. However, this often have negative effect and makes the situation difficult to handle. We are ready to try artificial products to have a healthy life, but we forget about natural products which are more effective for a beautiful body.

Benefits of yoga
Yoga is the best option for any person to have a beautiful body. Yoga not only tones the body parts, but also helps to purify the blood, lose weight and have a healthy life all together. Yoga is an age old form of physical exercise, which was discovered in India. However, now-a-days this is gaining popularity all over the world because of its uncountable benefits. Some very common and easy forms of yoga are described below for all to have a beautiful and healthy body.

Half moon
Place the right palm on the floor just a few inches away from the right foot. Then, raise the left arm, with the fingers pointing towards the ceiling. Next, lift the left leg in the air. Look up at the ceiling and stay in the same position for about 5 minutes and relax.

Revolved half moon
Put the left hand on the floor. Turn the torso towards the right. Now raise the right arm towards the ceiling and look straight up to it. Hold on to to this position for some time and then relax.

High lunge

Join the hands and raise them above the head. Keep the abs tight. Now bent the right leg at right angle and rest on the ankle. The left leg should be at the back in the lunge position. Stay in this position for some time and then relax.

High lunge twist
Bent right leg at 90 degree angle and rest on the ankle. Join the two hands in a prayer position. Now, twist the torso towards the right. Look straight to the right and wait for some time. Relax after some time and repeat this on the other side.

Upward dog
Lie down upside down on the floor and place the hand on the two sides of the body. Now, slowly breathe in and lift the chest. Try not to touch the floor with the hip. Hold on to this position for about one minute and then relax.

Downward dog
Stand straight and raise the hands above the head. Now, slowly bent in front and place the hands in front of the feet. Be in such a position that the hip is being lifted up towards the ceiling. Relax after few minutes.

Lie down on the mat in an upside down position. Now, balance the body on the hands and toes and slowly lift up the body. The shoulders should be just above the hands and the abs should be tight. The body should be in a straight line from head to toe.

Low plank
This yoga is just like the plank, although the elbows should be bent at right angle and the body should be near the floor. Stay in this position for one minute before relaxing.

Standing split
Stand straight and slowly place the palms just on the two sides of the toes and the head down. Now, slowly raise the left leg up, as much as possible. Be in this position for 5 minutes and repeat this with the right leg.

Awkward chair
Stand straight, join the hands and raise them over the head. Now slowly inhale and tighten the abs. Slowly squat down to be in a position of sitting on a chair. Rest in this position for few minutes. Gradually breathe out and relax.

Practicing these yoga exercises, which are described above can do magic to the body. Regular practice of yoga makes the body healthy, fit and beautiful. Infact, it also helps to have a positive mentality and stay happy. So, it is often suggested by the physicians to practice yoga for a better and healthy life.

1 comment:

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